Lettuce Great Lakes 118


An excellent heading lettuce producing a large, firm, crisp head of excellent flavor.

  • Seed Count: 10000

337 in stock

SKU: LET11 Categories: ,

Lettuce Great Lakes 118

Lettuce Great Lakes 118. An excellent heading lettuce producing a large, firm, crisp head of excellent flavor. Perfect for salads. More suited to cooler weather as may bolt in hot or dry periods.  Ideal for early spring sowings and late autumn sowings over-wintering in mild areas.

Cultivation Advice Lettuce Great Lakes 118

Days To Harvest: 75

Days To Germination:  7-10

Planting Depth:  1/8 to 1/4 inch

Spacing, Row:  12-18 inches

Spacing, Plant: 10-12  inches

Light:  Full Sun

  • Sow often and little (every 3-4 weeks) from the last frost until winter for a continuous crop all summer.
  • Ensure at least 12 inches between plants
  • and start harvesting young to prevent gluts and crops all at once.