Buckwheat Green Manure


A short term fast growing summer green manure Buckwheat germinates in 3-5 days and produces a thick canopy of foliage that smoothers most other weeds.

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Buckwheat Green Manure

Buckwheat Green Manure. A short term fast growing summer green manure Buckwheat germinates in 3-5 days and produces a thick canopy of foliage. That smoothers most other weeds.  The roots are deep extracting nutrients .Whilst the large amount of foliage will add valuable organic matter to improve soil structure.

Should be cut down before flowering 60-90 days from sowing and dug in. Alternatively it is not frost hardy and the first frosts will kill the plants. Allowing the area to be dug over in winter.  The plants do produce chemicals which temporarily inhibit other plants seeds from germinating in the same location.

 Small seeded varieties such as carrot should not be sown until 30 days after the crop has been dug in.

Best sown after all danger of frost has passed in spring, through summer to not within 60 days of likely frosts in your area in autumn.  Sowing rate 10gm per square metre.

Cultivation Advice Buckwheat Green Manure

Type: Hardy Annual

Time to Germinate: 3-5 Days

Temperature to germinate: 15°c +

Position/ Light: Full Sun

Sow outside – May- August


  • Best sown after all danger of frost has passed in spring,
  • through summer to not within 60 days of likely frosts in your area in autumn.
  • Sowing rate 10gm per square metre.
  • Scatter thinly and lightly rake in to prepared area.
  • Trim down plants before flowering to avoid self seeding
  • Best suited to medium to moist soil locations / avoid dry condition